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English -> Chinese 英漢字典[繁體] : [簡體]


bring around

Traditional Chinese Translation for "bring around":
  bring around (1) 使<人>復蘇,使…清醒,使…恢復知覺 [精神健康 (等) ] The smelling salts brought her around. 嗅鹽使她蘇醒過來 A hot coffee will bring you around. 熱咖啡會使你恢復精神 (2) 說服<人>使其接受 […的意見] ,使…信服[…][to] They tried to bring me around to their point of view. 他們試圖說服我接受他們的觀點 (3) 帶<人、物>來[…][to] (4) = BRING about (2)     [; ]

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